Here at Fitworld Exposed we talk a lot about how the key to getting bigger arms all lies in the forearms and arm-wrestlers exemplify this because a lot of them don’t have the biggest biceps/triceps yet their arms still look massive. On the other hand you have a lot of people who train at commercial gyms who are blasting their biceps and triceps like no tomorrow but yet their arms still look small as a whole and that’s because they haven’t developed the outer extremities of their arms.
I always say that whenever you want to get good at anything you always want to take advice from the best and arm-wrestlers have some of the biggest and strongest forearms and hands on the planet because their sport revolves around that (along with technique and a bunch of other factors).
Not only could we learn about getting bigger forearms from arm-wrestlers, but we could also learn tips on arm-wrestling techniques and other interesting stuff relating to the sport because lets face it, arm wrestling is one of the most alpha sports out there. I personally feel like its an underrated sport for the most part and doesn’t get all of the love that it deserves and that’s why its part of my duty to spread the word on these amazing athletes because they deserve the attention!
For the readers who don’t already know, how long did your arm-wrestling career last and when did you start making a career out of it? Also is armwrestling your actual job or do you have something else on the side?
I have been pulling for about 12 years now. Arm wrestling isn’t big enough too make a living out of it, so it’s just a hobby. My daytime job is carpenter. I was invited to join armwars in 2008 for the first time and has been one of the main characters in there ever sins.
What is your biggest goal for this year?
A lot of bodybuilders will have programs that look something like:
Monday: Chest + Triceps
Tuesday: Legs
Wed: Rest
Thursday: back + Biceps + Forearms
Friday: Shoulders + Traps
This is a common example of what is known as a bodybuilding split routine.
What does your weekly training routine look like for arm wrestling on average?
Well for me, I do it like this:
Monday: heavy back, bicep and forearm
Tuesday: hiking
Wednesday: triceps, some light back bicep and forearm
Thursday: hiking
Friday: arm wrestling
Saturday: hiking
Sunday: rest
How long do your sessions usually last on average and how long does it take for you to get warmed up?
How long do your sessions usually last on average and how long does it take for you to get warmed up?
Gym sessions is 1.5 hour’s and arm wrestling depends on how many that Show’s up, but average 2 hours. I also warm up more the for gym sessions 15-20 min with light pulling
Do you ever incorporate 4 inch+ handle work in your training? In other words how fat are the handles that you train with?
Do you find that Captain Crush Grippers help your performance in arm wrestling and do you find that they are good for forearm hypertrophy?
Do you ever incorporate any Farmers walks into your training?
Do you incorporate any sledgehammer levering work into your programming and if so then how heavy is your hammer that you use?
What is the most weight that have ever strict curled and what rep range do you usually work in?
A lot of arm wrestlers talk a lot about the importance of doing hammer curls along with pinwheel curls and how they take these exercises very seriously, would you mind elaborating on why exactly?
I’ve never played any serious arm-wrestling matches against anybody in my life, what are a couple of basic and critical tips that you could give me to start off if ever anybody challenges me?
How do you use leg drive and core strength during an arm wrestling match? Also what is your take on foot placement and lower body stance as far as getting a mechanical advantage is concerned?
Are there any “cheats” or “hacks” per say that aren’t really cheats, but they give you a huge advantage in winning an arm wrestling match? (ex: squeezing a particular one of your opponents fingers..etc)
How do you use the strength of your shoulders and lats to aid you in an arm wrestling match? Also how important are these muscles for arm wrestling and do you experience soreness in these areas the day after a serious match?
Shoulders are more for support, not that much in use.. lats are very important, to drag you opponent closer to you so his bicep stretches more and gets weaker. Lats are sore sometimes but shoulders hurt more if something’s I have been hit with a surprising move.
What are some breathing and bracing techniques that you could give novice arm wrestlers?
What are some of the ways that you can tell that someone has good genetics for the sport of arm wrestling? (ex: thick wrists…etc)
If you have a big hand, and thick joints..
One of my biggest goals is to have 16 inch upper arms with 16 inch forearms. I currently have 15.5 inch upper arms and about 14.25 inch forearms and I know that getting to 16 inches will take long, but what do you recommend? (ex: weight gain, special exercises…etc).
Weight gain is always the easiest but doesn’t look good :p triceps is the biggest on for your upper arm so build it up, in the forearm you have a lot of mussels so train them 😉
What forearm exercises do you find make your forearms blow up the most in size in your opinion?
Wrist curls with a thick Handel, with your forearm at 45 degree angle